15 October 2024 | 3 min.

Five stars again for a.s.r. real estate funds in GRESB benchmark

ASR Dutch Science Park Fund remains a global leader in the Technology/Science category

Once again this year, a.s.r. real estate’s residential, office, science park and retail fund was awarded the maximum five-star rating in the GRESB benchmark. This means that the funds are among the 20% most sustainable GRESB funds in the world. For the third year in a row, the ASR Dutch Science Park Fund was named Global Non-listed Sector Leader in the Technology/Science category. The fuller disclosure of energy, greenhouse gas, waste and water data, coupled with more extensive climate risk data, helped a.s.r. real estate’s funds to obtain high scores in the benchmark once again.

Dick Gort, CEO of a.s.r. real estate: “Thanks to our commitment to integrate sustainability into all aspects of our portfolios, we have once again obtained the maximum number of stars in the GRESB benchmark this year and our funds outperformed their peer group. With our Paris Proof roadmaps and the Framework for Climate Adaptive Buildings, we continue to make strides in the field of energy reduction and climate adaptation. Together with our institutional investors, we work to develop liveable and sustainable buildings, cities and communities.”

Paris Proof roadmap: average 10% energy reduction in 2023

a.s.r. real estate aims to ensure that its buildings meet the Paris climate targets by 2045 at the latest, but preferably earlier. Over the past year, the residential, office, science park and retail fund has reduced its energy intensity by an average of 10%. The years ahead will see efforts aimed at further reducing the energy and carbon intensity by implementing the Paris Proof roadmaps and involving tenants to increase sustainability together. Building data will also be optimised, for example through the automatic collection of data from smart meters.

Framework for Climate Adaptive Buildings: assessing climate risks for all buildings

a.s.r. real estate has identified all climate-related risks to the assets in the residential, office, science park and retail fund with the Framework for Climate Adaptive Buildings. The portfolios have been assessed for vulnerabilities to the consequences of climate change. In the years ahead, asset-level implementation plans will be drawn up for properties with a high or very high risk of damage due to climate change.


GRESB is an independent benchmark that annually assesses the sustainability policies of real estate funds and portfolios around the world. The GRESB score enables fund managers to review their sustainability policies and carry out improvements.


This is a marketing communication. Please consult the prospectus of the funds listed before making an investment decision. Any decision to invest in the promoted funds must be preceded by a consideration of all features and goals of the promoted funds, as set out in the prospectus of the fund in question. The prospectus and all further information on the sustainability aspects of the promoted funds are available at investments.

a.s.r. real estate is manager of investment institutions and listed in AFM’s register.

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