The fund with listed European real estate, for a.s.r. policyholders

ASR Property Fund

The ASR Property Fund invests in listed European property on behalf of a.s.r.'s investment policyholders. The fund focuses on liquidity and sufficient portfolio diversification, and aims for an investment portfolio with long-term value.

Investing in listed European real estate

The ASR Property Fund invests in listed property companies based in Europe. Currently, at least 75% of the assets invested in listed property funds are listed in 'continental' Europe, while a maximum of 25% are listed in the United Kingdom. This mitigates the currency risk, among other things.

The performance of the listed real estate securities is currently measured by a combination of two indices, namely:

• 50% FTSE EPRA/NAREIT Developed Europe Liquid 40 Capped
• 50% FTSE EPRA/NAREIT Developed Europe Liquid 40 ex UK Capped

Focus on return and liquidity

The fund focuses on the profitable investment of assets in listed real estate securities at an acceptable level of risk. The ASR Property Fund prioritises the interests of the investment policyholders. That is why the fund focuses on liquidity and sufficient diversification within the portfolio for investment policyholders. The dividends received each year are reinvested in listed property securities. The fund does not use debt capital to finance its investments.

The ASR Property Fund is registered with the Netherlands Authority for the Financial Markets (AFM) as an alternative investment fund under the AIFM Directive. The manager of the ASR Property Fund, a.s.r. real estate, has an AIFM licence to act as manager of investment institutions.

Financial and social perspective

The ASR Property Fund aims to build an investment portfolio with long-term value, from a financial and social perspective. Long-term value is created by providing tenants and users with sustainably attractive locations. Locations with the potential of becoming attractive places also create long-term value. These could be stores, offices or homes that meet the current and future requirements of tenants or users.