Investing with impact for society

We are committed to increasing our positive social impact. That is why we have been measuring the impact of our funds since 2020. This has led to tested and accredited impact investing strategies.

What is impact investing?

A commonly used definition of impact investing is that of the Global Impact Investment Network (GIIN), which overlaps with the definition of impact investing of the European Association for Investors in Non-Listed Real Estate Vehicles (INREV). a.s.r. real estate’s definition of impact investing is based on these definitions. It reads as follows:

'Investing with the intention of generating a positive, measurable social and/or environmental impact in addition to a financial return'.

The following guiding principles are key in that respect:

  1. Intentionality: the intention to generate a positive social or ecological impact with investments.
  2. Measurability: the commitment to measure and report on the social and ecological performance and progress of underlying investments, guaranteeing transparency and accountability.
  3. Additionality: the positive effect would not have taken place without the investment.

Our impact investment strategies

All of our funds' investments aim to make a positive social contribution. In 2020, we defined, measured and highlighted the social impact of both the ASR Dutch Science Park Fund and the ASR Dutch Core Residential Fund. These fund strategies were given a 'reasonable assurance' statement from fund auditor KPMG. The fund activities officially qualify as 'impact investing'. The funds enhance the quality of science park ecosystems and increase the number of affordable rental housing units in the Netherlands.