
The information on this part of the website is solely addressed to qualified investors within the meaning of Section 1:1 DFSA. Persons accessing this website need to be aware that they are themselves responsible for their compliance with all local rules and regulations. This website contains marketing material. Investing in one of the a.s.r. real estate funds involves risks and may cause financial losses. Past performance is no guarantee of future returns. Before investing, you should consider all relevant aspects and risks, as described in the prospectus and the Key Information Document (KID/EID). For more information about sustainability, please consult the following URL: en.asrrealestate.nl/sustainability-related-disclosures Please confirm that you are a qualified investor, that you have read and understood the disclaimer and that you accept the disclaimer. I have read the legal conditions and agree to these terms.


The fund with future-proof offices near intercity railway stations

€ 600







Occupancy rate

5 star


ASR Dutch Mobility Office Fund

The ASR Dutch Mobility Office Fund invests in sustainable offices in easily accessible locations in the Netherlands, close to the larger intercity railway stations. These are key locations now and will remain so in the future. The office portfolio consists of single- and multi-tenant buildings with a green energy label. Most of the properties in the portfolio are located in the five largest cities of the Netherlands: Amsterdam, Rotterdam, The Hague, Utrecht and Eindhoven. The fund has a high-quality pipeline and is open to institutional investors.

a.s.r. real estate and ESG

Improving the sustainability of office building Daalsesingel is good for the climate

Insight into the negative effects of climate change is essential in order to anticipate the impacts climate change is already having and to be prepared for future effects. ASR Dutch Mobility Office Fund has such insight and is taking steps wherever possible, such as the improvements to the building at Daalsesingel 51 in Utrecht.

Read more
Daalsesingel Kantoor Verduurzaming ASR Dutch Mobility Office Fund
  • The ASR Dutch Mobility Office Fund generates stable returns for institutional investors. We have a limited number of offices, all of which are sustainable, high quality and situated near mobility hubs. As a result, the offices have a permanently high occupancy rate, which generates a stable return on income.

  • A sustainable office is an attractive office. For our tenants and our institutional investors. As the fund invests continuously in the sustainability of offices, they all have a green label (C or higher) and are BREEAM certified. In 2023, the fund received a five-star GRESB rating. This makes the ASR Dutch Mobility Office Fund a top performer worldwide in the field of sustainability.

  • The fund invests in high-quality offices in the direct vicinity of national and international mobility hubs in the five largest cities in the Netherlands: Amsterdam, Rotterdam, The Hague, Utrecht and Eindhoven. Offices close to (inter)national railway stations provide tenants with excellent accessibility and a lively environment with a wide range of amenities. This makes the fund's offices highly sought after.

  • What do the millennial and next generations want? They want flexibility, and they want a lively environment. They also travel less by car. The offices of the ASR Dutch Mobility Office Fund cater for the wishes of the next-generation workforce. They are sustainable and easy to access. As a result, the fund’s offices are a decisive factor in the 'war on talent'.

  • With the Sustainable Finance Action Plan the European Commission wants to encourage the financial sector to invest more in activities that are sustainable and have a longer-term focus

    One of the European regulations resulting from the action plan is the Sustainable Finance Disclosure Regulation (SFDR). It aims to improve the provision of information on sustainable investments within the financial sector.

    SFDR statement

This team can tell you everything about the fund

This is an image of Pieter Vandeginste.

Pieter Vandeginste

fund director

Pieter is fund director for the ASR Dutch Mobility Office Fund. He has overall responsibility for a.s.r. real estate’s office fund.

This is an image of Alexandra Rosian.

Alexandra Rosian

fund manager

Alexandra is fund manager for the ASR Dutch Mobility Office Fund. She is the first point of contact for (potential) investors.

This is an image of Erwin Esselmann.

Erwin Esselmann

fund controller

Erwin is fund controller for the ASR Dutch Mobility Office Fund. He is responsible for the financial reporting of the office fund.


Meet the team

The ASR Dutch Mobility Office Fund is led by a dedicated and experienced Fund Management Team, consisting of a fund director, fund manager and fund controller. A team of asset managers, acquisition managers, property managers and technical asset managers maintains contact with tenants and is responsible for acquisitions and sales, operations and management of the portfolio. The entire team works in-house and is fully dedicated to the office fund so it can optimally serve our investors and tenants.